Thursday, February 27, 2014

Baby Tongue Tie Treatment

The medical term for a tongue tie treatment is Ankyloglossia. This is required when the little piece of tissue underneath the tough is attached to too much of the tongue. This prevents the tongue from being able to stick out far enough.

In some cases this is not an issue or other cases this can be a major issue and lead to different problems. These problems include difficulties nursing as well a creating a heart shape at the tip of the tongue. If this procedure is done within the first month of a babies life it is a very easy problem to fix. All it takes is a small clip using specialized scissors. There is no long procedure and usually takes around ten minutes to do. The only real issue is finding the the right doctor to do it.

After a couple of months the piece of tissue will thicken and require a more intensive procedure. The procedure should be done well the child is under anesthesia or they are old enough to sit still. Unless there is a speech concern it is best to hold off until the child is olde enough to sit still for the procedure. This is around the age of ten years old.

It is possible for this procedure to be done quick and easy as long as the problem is caught early enough. If not the procedure can be a more intensive and should be done once the child is old enough to sit still.

For more information about this treatment please visit

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