Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Fighting Decay With Gum!

Fight decay with gum? Yes, you read that correctly. We've always been told not to chew gum, because it is sugary and not good for teeth. Nowadays we have gum that assists in whitening teeth, and better yet, gum that helps prevent tooth decay, reduce bacteria growth and helps repair enamel. 

The key ingredient you should be looking for when buying gum, is Xylitol. Xylitol is a natural sweetener that is derived from plant fibers. When you are selecting gum, take a look at the ingredient list on the back, it is usually listed in order of highest to lowest concentrated. In gum, Xylitol is used as a sweetener, look for it as the first ingredient

There is a bacteria that naturally occurs in your mouth which loves to feed on sugar, and when it does it breaks down into acids that wear away tooth enamel. Xylitol helps maintain a neutral pH level in your mouth as well as prevent bacteria from sticking to teeth, which is how it protects from tooth decay.

When you chew gum, you are stimulating saliva flow which in turn neutralizes those pesky acids that cause tooth decay. By reducing the level of bacteria and plaque, the gum helps to remineralize and strengthen weak teeth.

There are a variety of gums available with Xylitol as an ingredient, find one that you and your kids both enjoy.

How old should my child be before I give them gum?

Usually, children younger than at least 4 years old should not be given gum. Your child should completely understand that gum is something that is meant to be chewed only, and never swallowed. 

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