Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Soft Tissue Laser Dentistry

Laser dentistry is an alternative method used to children to decrease fear and anxiety. This procedure is less frightening for children. Many dental problems can be treated using soft tissue laser procedures which is less painful and a more gentle treatment for young children. By using this technique, phobias are deterred, and anxiety levels lessen. The laser is more gentle, and less frightening for children.

Soft tissue laser treatments can be used to treat tongue tie conditions, lip tie, frenectomy, cold and canker sores, gingivectomy, biopsies, and expose unerupted teeth. Tongue tie restricts your child's tongue movement which can result in a lack of nutrition and issues with breast feeding. Lip tie can also interfere with breast feeding, and your baby can experience difficulty latching on. A frenectomy is the removal of the frenum in the mouth. There are two frena, lingual and maxillary labial. These frena are muscular connections between two tissues. The lingual frena connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth. The maxillary labial frena joins the upper lip to the gums just above the upper two front teeth. These muscular obstructions can prevent movement of the tongue, and also cause nursing troubles.

Woodbridge Kids Dentistry is one of few dental offices that offer soft tissue laser treatments for your child. These treatments have a high success rate, and are safe. Soft tissue laser treatments are becoming increasingly popular as they are correlated with a fast healing time, and decreased post operative irritation and pain.

To read more about soft tissue laser dentistry at Woodbridge Kids Dentistry click h

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